The Ideal Housewarming Gift Plants

Got a good friend’s or colleague’s housewarming coming up next week? Gifting ideas are always a problem, but fret not, plants make for an ideal gift! But let’s be honest, most of us do not have experience in caring for plants; we might either forget to water them or put them in the wrong kind of light. This is why the plant that you wish to give as a gift has to be a hardy plant that is both easy to maintain and doesn’t require a lot of plant knowledge to care for.

And here’s where we come in with these 5 suggestions of robust and easy-to-care-for plants that will be sure to brighten—or ‘green’ up your recipient’s day!

1. Snake Plants

Easily the best (and safest) choice! If you don’t know what kind of plant person they are or how experienced they are at plants, going for a Snake Plant is a recommended option. They do well with minimal attention, don’t need to be watered often and look great on any table.


2. Golden Pothos

These hardy plants can pretty much thrive in any kind of lighting in the home (except for strong direct sunlight). Aesthetically, they do a lot for the home with their signature cascading leaves that soften edges and look especially pleasing on the bookshelves, making for a great Instagrammable corner of the house.


3. Hoyas

These guys come in different variations, but they all generally thrive the best under bright and direct sunlight. Remember to let them dry out between each watering and leave them be (aka don’t disturb their roots by trying to repot them) and they’ll do their very best to beautify your space.


4. Philodendrons

When their new leaves start forming for the first time, they come out super green and bright before turning a darker green over time. In a pot, you’ll get to enjoy their many shades of greens that are easy on the eyes and look great in the home. Super easy to take care of, low maintenance and able to tolerate most lighting conditions—you can’t go wrong with them!


5. Swiss Cheese Plants

Other than looking like a stunner, these species of plant are hard-to-kill, much like Philodendrons, and are therefore great for beginners! Put them in medium to bright sunlight and you’re good to go. One thing to note: these guys can get pretty big if cared for well enough, so bear in mind if your gift receiver’s home may not be big enough to handle them!



A few leaving tips for you: like most, if not all of the plant suggestions above, do not overwater them. It also helps to give your recipient the gift of information as well with a few tips for their new house plant, but don’t stress them out too much about it afterwards, especially if they didn’t manage to keep it alive. It’s a learning process after all, and hopefully an enjoyable one!


Signs That Your Plants Are Overwatered